What is Paradise?

He said, “Don’t worry, I will. Today you will join me in paradise.
What exactly did He mean when he told the crook that they would be together in “paradise” later that very day?

The truth is that we can merely speculate as to how that man’s eternity has gone. But, we all make assumptions don’t we? Each one of us has some ideal of what eternity looks like, not only for us but also for the crook who had the privilege of hanging next to Jesus on Golgatha.

When we die, where do we go?
The traditional Catholic church believes that our physical body dies and our spirit goes to a waiting room called Purgatory.
Evangelicals and other modern Christian denominations would claim that we not only go to, but that we should strive for Heaven.
Lastly, there is a progressive point of view which believes that heaven is not yet finished and will be established eternally on earth upon the return of Jesus, but until then it is just mystery.

Using Heaven as the example, what if we don’t go to Heaven when we die? What if heaven doesn’t actually exist yet? What if our life should be spent bringing heaven to earth, not necessarily fighting and judging our way to a place that doesn’t exist? What if the earth in which we inhabit is not only our earthly home, but also our eternal home?

Can your answer to these questions make you be viewed as a heretic? Or worse, can a brother or sister assume that you’re view on heaven determines your entry, regardless of your devotion to and faith in Jesus?

Be bold and honest with your reading of the scriptures and ensure that you’re a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ above all things, especially your theology.

– Dennis Gable